Recommended Pre Read: The Vertical Battle
Sun Tzu: The art of war and the 36 strategems
When we want to realize a new civilization, based on Holism like Utolantis, one of the steps we must take is to get rid of our current rulers.
In order to do so, we need to:
- Know ourselves who we really are
- Know our opponents as they really are
and how to do this was already known some 2500 years ago.
Sun Tzu, a Chinese general wrote down his strategic knowledge an a collection known as “The Art Of War”
A collection of strategies and tactics that also includes a set of 36 so called “Strategems”
Although this knowledge is very old, it is still valid today. Not only on the military plain, but also in business, sports, politics and other area’s where there is competition.
In below video’s we first get a general introduction on Sun Tzu’s way of thinking and in the second video 18 of the 36 strategems are explained in more detail including practical examples,
( Note: For the remaining 18 strategems , you have to go to the eudaimonia website since they are not free available)