The End Of Racism

In our current civilization, racism is a problem that seems unsolvable.
And to be very honest: It will remain unsolvable as long as we do not understand what it is and where it comes from.

The first thing we need to understand is that the definition of a human race has 2 major sources: A biological (objective) one and a cultural (subjective) one.

The first one is the easiest one, the biological taxonomy.  Here we see humanity  (on the most detailed level) as the species  called: Homo Sapiens. The related definition for species is: They can all mate and have successful offspring.
This one explains why the more objective people will state: ” There is only 1 race, the human race”, which surely makes sense from a biological perspective.

Taxonomy of humans
Taxonomy of humans
Human races
The main races of humans. Illustration from Universum des Himmels, der Erde und des Menschen (FE Bilz, Dresden-Radebeul and Leipzig, c1925).

The second one, culture based definitions are multiple. Already in ancient Sanskrit literature we can find definitions that specify individual human races as we can read in a very nice document by Dr Supriya, called : “Classifications of Human Races” 
What this document shows is that, in time, we have had multiple definitions, but these definitions were all quite similar.
They are all based on relatively similar physical characteristics that are handed over from one generation to the next.
Characteristics like skin color, shape of the nose, eyes or the type of hair.
Next to these physiologic characteristics, the categorization of humans into specific races is also based on social/cultural characteristics.
So, in the end, we can see that the concept of human races is a cultural phenomenon. 

Root cause:
It is generally assumed that large groups of humans formed clusters around the world and they lived in isolation from each other for very long periods.
And since all these natural environments were all different, their physiology adapted to their specific environment which explains why the Inuit look so much different from those who lived in more tropical environments like Afrikan people.   

Now in more recent times, humans started more to travel (around the world) and due to intersexual relations we also noticed new flavors of humans with physical characteristics somewhere between the father and the mother.
Now, what we might expect to see, is that within a couple of generations , the physical differences between people would diminish and eventually disappear.
Yet this does not seem to happen, but in reality it is happening, but in a far slower pace as we perhaps might expect.
And this is caused by our cultures.

As mentioned in our chapter:  “The Name of the Beast“, humans  are hybrid creatures and one of them (as they operate on level 3 of the Maslow Pyramid) is the social creature. 
Social creatures that flock together within their own safe and warm (sub)cultures.
And, unless we grow to higher levels , we have a tendency to stay close within that (sub)culture.
Even if multiple cultures live in a modern city like New York, they flock together and do not really mingle.

Ethnic distribution in New York

The end of Racism:
What has always surprised/disappointed me, is the fact that whenever the topic of racism comes up, we have all these stupid discussions on skin color etc., where the color of the skin has actually nothing to do with racism. Racism is not about skin color , it is about culture!
It is a clash of cultures!

A clash that will last just as long as we, humans keep sticking to religion and materialism  as our prime worldviews

Only once we step out of our prison and move towards a holistic worldview, the problem of racism will melt away like a snowflake in the sun