Recommended Pre Read: Definition: Worldview

Our 3 basic Worldviews

As you can see on our Definitions page, the definition of ‘Worldview’ is coined as:

The Mechanism of which we believe, that it is the driving force behind the functioning of the whole universe.

So, basically, it is how we believe that everything in the universe operates.
Now with a world population of approx. 7,4 billion people where each individual can have his own personal opinion, we could have millions of different world views.
So, that is not that very practical to work with.

Now fortunately, we can categorize all these world views in just 3, which is practical to work with.
But then of coarse, we have to generalize which has his own drawbacks as mentioned in the readme page.

So, basically we have just 3 world views. Each with their own thoughts on:

  • What (or who) is the creator of the universe and drives everything there is.
  • How do people interact with the creator

When we do this, we find the following:

  1. Religion
  2. Materialism
  3. Holism (a.k.a. Spirituality)

So please check them out to get a good understanding of them and their fundamental distinctions.
Understanding them is basically required to get a good understanding of the Utolantis concept.

Especially since our worldview is also the primary basis for our ethical behavior

The Religious worldview
Worldview: Religion
The Holistic worldview
Worldview: Holism
The materialistic worldview
Worldview: Materialism