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Definition: Corruption

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corruption | UtolantisWhen we use the word: corruption, the related definition is:

Basically, everything that is the opposite of integrity,

So the Utolantis meaning of corruption is much wider than what we usually mean with it.
Corruption includes anything that is a lie, deliberately made to take advantage from others or to benefit for yourself.
So, it is much more than avoiding a huge speeding ticket by paying the police officer half the fine in cash.


It includes (for example):

  • Banks that have stolen billions of dollars from clients, but get away with ‘a settlement’ of just a few million to avoid a long-term juridical criminal investigation.
  • Multinationals that have faked the scientific reports of their own products, to get them approved as ‘safe’.
  • politicians who vote for approval/rejection  of a new/modified law, just to be compliant to the political party, they are a member of
  • Many more, you can think of by yourself!