Utolantis Elevator Pitch

( Utolantis = Utopia + Atlantis)
Utolantis is a way of thinking that will show you:

elevator pitch image
elevator pitch
  • Why humanity has not been able to live in peace and harmony for thousands of years.
  • Why humanity will never ever accomplish world peace, unless we change our worldview.

Utolantis will teach you:

  • What a worldview is.
  • What the Maslow pyramid has to do with it.
  • How worldviews are mapped against the Maslow pyramid.
  • Why something we call: ‘peace’,  is actually just a weird period between 2  successive wars.
  • Why only 1 worldview can bring true and everlasting  world peace.

Utolantis will visualize: 

  • What needs to be done, in order to achieve true world peace.
  • How humanity needs to re-organize and re-educate itself.
  • How humanity can live in peace with:
    • Each other
    • Planet Earth and all living creatures on it
    • Mother Nature
  • How humanity, living in real peace, would actually look like.

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