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- by:Wil Duis
Why can't we have World Peace?
Student: Master? Why don’t we have World Peace?
Master: Well that is an easy one!
You people have chosen for war instead of peace. It is as simple as that!
S: (slightly agitated): Yeah right, but that’s bullshit and you know it!
Maybe some of us love war, but at least 99.99% of mankind prefers peace over war, right!
M: Nope!
Although I agree with you that the vast majority of all people on your planet will claim that they prefer peace over war, their actual belief system demonstrates the exact opposite!
As a matter of fact, you people on planet Earth have (for at least the last few couples of centuries) chosen for war as it’s natural state of being, instead of peace!
What you people on Planet Earth call ‘peace’ is not even real peace!
What people on Earth call peace is actually some sort of artificial intermezzo between 2 subsequent wars.
S: Wow, wow, wow, slow down, wait now!
Are you actually telling me that we can choose between?
A: War as a natural state of being where peace is a rarity
B: Peace is a natural state of being and war is a rarity
And that we have now chosen for option A?
M: Well, that’s indeed basically it!
S: But, as I told you before, I DID NOT MAKE THAT CHOICE!!
Neither did anyone I know!
So why are you blaming me for making the wrong choice!
M: Some choices we make are not taken explicitly
In our case the choice for war instead of peace is taken implicitly.
S: ?????
M: You cannot ‘choose’ for (world) peace since either war or peace is basically a logical result of a choice you made earlier.
S: Duh?
M: Basically the choice for war or peace as your natural state of being is a direct result of your choice for your leading worldview and directly related ethics.
S: Ehm, Master, can you please come to the point, since this conversation seems to move into a weird direction.
M: What I am basically telling you is that your choice for either war or peace as your natural state of being, is the logical result of the leading worldview that the people on planet Earth, have chosen to follow.
Basically, the people on planet Earth can be divided into 3 basic groups, each group representing a different worldview and acting on different layers on the Maslow Pyramid.
Only 1 of these 3 worldviews supports the higher levels on the Maslow Pyramid that implicitly enables world peace.
But unfortunately, at least 80% of the Earth’s population, supports the remaining 2 worldviews which have no other option than war as their natural state of being.
S: Wow this is stunning!
Tell me more!
Tell me more about these worldviews!
And what the bleep is a Maslow Pyramid?
M: Okidoki!
Just sit back and continue reading this website while I provide you with a Crash Coarse in World Peace